I once was lost, but now am found. Was blind, yet now I see! Leave your troubles and your hairline behind and get on the fast-track to recovery!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Foreclosure Avoiders changed my life!!

Yes, it's true.

I was once just like you. A lost soul out on this great internets desperately seeking foreclosure advise from a foreclosure advicer for a small fee. I was but a waif adrift in a sea of negativitude. And I talk not merely about losing my physical home, I’m talking about something bigger: HATE was about to FORECLOSE UPON MY SOUL.

Yes, a distant five comments ago, I was consumed by anger and angst. I struck out at innocent victims like Casey because of intense jealousy over their elite businezz skillz. But then I discovered


and it changed my life. The incredible advise that I received there made me see the errors of my hurtful ways. I gained wisdom beyond my years, the kind of life-changing knowledge that only an award-winning aspiring web-journalist who lands the story of the year can provide. For example, I learned:

1. Nigel has a pool.
2. Nigel has 2759 monthly visitors.
3. Nigel hangs out backstage with celebs in the VIP room at insane Olympic Pin parties.
4. Nigel knows an a** -kicking accountant with superhuman abilities. He once shot a man for tallying too loud.
5. Nigel owns a sweet used BMW 325i.
6. Pleather is sexy.
7. Axe Effect is divine.
8. Rob Dawg is a jerk.

I stand before you today as a changed man and a successful Olympic Pin Salesman, 33rd Degree. Heed my warning haterz, change your hating wayz and follow the Nigelz before it is too late.


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